It’s a great way to see one side… and the other. It’s a nice place to be. Safely undecided. Above the radar.
I can see the black pavement on one side. Smooth for the most part, a few potholes, a blur of masses mingling in and out of life’s messes.
Sitting on the fence. It’s pretty safe here. If I just hold still.
The other side of the fence…the green pasture. It beckons. But, what if the grass gnarls under the blistering sun? What if I go to the field and there is no one to greet me there? What if I jump from my fence into the dewy grass… only to find I am alone and the field does not hold all that it promises.
I glance back to the pavement. I know the pavement. It is not particularly fulfilling. It is not filled with immeasurable joy. It is a bit humdrum. Safe. Comfortable. But, there has to be more. Is it possible that the answer might lie on the other side?
I have spent much of my life on the fence. It has been said that no decision is a NO decision.
Is it perhaps time to say YES?
Yes to invisible promises… yes to gentle nudging… yes to a new place, a new direction, a new life.
What if I just say yes? What if I leap, no matter how my soul trembles? What if I jump from this safe fence that sits above indecision, clinging to fear of rejection, safe in the arms of obscurity? What if I just jump?
I glimpse at the outlined souls in the field… arm in arm. Strength in numbers. The ones who have boldly gone there, beyond the fence, beyond the doubt… no matter the cost. I recognize a few of the faces, some are not yet known to me… though they appear familiar ~ a family resemblance. The smiles I know… an enveloping warmth… they draw me in, beckoning me… encouraging me. This is what those in the field do… they do this for one another… they do this for ones lost on the pavement. They call… I see sisters (and I thank God for them ~ you know who you are…), brothers… waiting. Building the tribe… the family… strength in service to Him.
The truth is… the fence is temporary. Eventually it will rot away… fade into a distant memory. Passage of time will swallow the fence… and I will find myself here. Somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Missing the adventure… the journey.
The truth is… when the fence disappears, when there is no longer a divide… there will be only One place. One place of Life. The rest will all fade away…
The truth is… He has held true to every promise from the birth of promise itself. The field awaits. The ground is sure… The Rock is solid.
The fence is no place to stay.
What is keeping you there?
Will you take the leap of faith? Just say…
PROMISE #14 ~ God is the rock.
Psalm 62:1-3
My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. How long will you assault a man? Would all of you throw him down – this leaning wall, this tottering fence?