We’ve been waiting for it around here.
My little ones have checked squares on the calendar.
It’s here!
The first day!
They sprinted to bedrooms, rummaged through piles, and came up victorious.
Spring clothes.
T-shirts, shorts, tank tops.
Spring is here!
We have all been ready for this new birth.
The buds shivering, ripe and ready. Quaking at the stem. Trembling at the last of winter cold. Ready to burst at their seams.
Spring is here.
Spring break. Easter break. The house bustling with excitement. Time for painting eggs and preparing for all things brimming with the burning desire for new life.
The long, cold winter sliding into memory.
The noise of the house wakes me.
It’s snowing!
3 inches already!
My drowsy eyes fly open.
Yes. Spring is here. This time to shed our winter coats and doldrums.
And, it’s snowing.
You’ve got to be kidding me.
We wanted this all winter. And, we get it… now?
Isn’t that just the way it goes?
We want and wish and wonder. Thinking we have it all figured out. We know just exactly how it should work. We know just exactly what we expect. Our expectations seem completely reasonable, rational, and right.
Isn’t that just the way it is? With marriage, motherhood, family, friendship… and faith.
We know how it is supposed to be. We have painted the mural of life in our minds year after year. Adding brush strokes. Touching up streaks. Changing hues. We have painted the picture of it-oughta-be-this-way…
And, then, it is not that way. At. All.
Our expectations, our experiences, our expertise. We have it all planned out.
Then, our well-planned, well-rehearsed, well-constructed lives are blanketed… with thick, white, wet snow. In the spring.
The snow. It does something. It spreads a calm and a hush over the frozen earth. For a moment… God whispers…
I love surprises. Even in this. This day of expected sun and warmth. This day met with clouds and cold… and white washed glory.
Oh, this is awesome, mama!
Can we paint the eggs now?
The pieces don’t have to fit the way we thought they would fit.
It doesn’t have to be warm and sunny to paint eggs for Easter.
It doesn’t have to be winter for snow to sneak its surprise on us.
Expectations can be dashed and leave the sweet taste of expectancy.
Expectations can fall in flakes to the ground. Expectancy is something much different…
Expectancy… knowing that He will show up. Knowing that He is here.
Knowing that something unexpected will happen.
Psalm 5:3
In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.