Do you ever feel overcome? Just plain overwhelmed with all the duties, details, and demands of your life?
I do.
I feel like that today, and yesterday… and maybe tomorrow.
My mind is so cluttered with the pinball thoughts that run amuck… that I can not seem to focus on one piece… one person… at. a. time.
I try to catch up in one area, only to find myself lagging behind in another lane.
I start to chastise myself for not being able to do it better, quicker, more efficiently, more gracefully.
I feel like I am losing control. Ah, the control thing again. Again.
when will I learn?
This time… today… I decide to approach my death-grip on control in a new light. His light.
please take this from me. I am at it again. I know.
Self denial. I want to remove the distractions today that cloud the words He has for me. The light from Him can only shine in the places I have cleared for Him to enter. His light and direction like a piercing flashlight through the dark, jumbled maze of my mind. The beams of light pointing a new direction.
This self-denial a permission from me to Him… deny self ~ allow God.
I think I must drive You crazy…
These times when my mind gets cluttered with the burdens of this world, the busyness of motherhood, the beastly selfishness of my natural wants… these times
I long for His light
I long for the light… all the time, but… I snuff out the light and plod along in darkness and wonder where the exit sign is. Then, the Light. His radiant glow… His brilliant beauty… shows up. In a friend. In a phone call. In a knock at the door.
Over and over He reaches and pulls me back… into the light. He answers the pleading call from a worn out sinner. Every. Time.
Our sinful nature He does not hold against us. His open hands, His redemption… His light… He gives again and again. It is ours to accept the invitation out of the darkness…
into His light.
PROMISE #6 ~ God will give us light.
2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.