We all want to know this… in one way or another. In one place or another. In one situation or another.
Am I good to go? Do I need to do anything else? Have I fulfilled the requirements?
Am I allowed in?
This question pursued me when I was younger. No matter the situation, the school, the class, the party, the group, the occasion… I wanted to know.
Am I accepted?
So often we struggle with this acceptance issue. Sometimes we care, sometimes we do not, sometimes we wish we didn’t, sometimes we pretend we don’t.
Do I have what it takes to be here?
I took this thinking straight to Him at one point on this journey.
Do I belong with You? Have I made too many mistakes? Have I blown you off too many times? Have I doubted you too much? Disregarded Your instructions? Your advice? Even… doubted Your existence one too many times?
Have you ever thought, Mama…
What if He had never been?
What if He’s not really there?
My blue-eyed boy, the one just at the edge of the age of awareness we parents stiff-arm as long as we can. The age when they start to think, really think, for themselves. Delving into thoughts of truth, lie, reality, fantasy…
What if, Mom?
My heart smiles inside… knowing that He has gone steps in front of me… preparing me for the questions.
I’ve thought that, too, kiddo.
As a kid, I lay in bed at night, and wondered…
What if there is nothing else out there? What if we are it? The end?
What if He’s there, but I don’t ever get to see Him? Meet Him?
What if I never get to understand what all of this is about?
My sweetie grins. A relieved calm in his eyes.
I’m not that different after all.
It’s ok to ask.
I can ask… and still be accepted. By you, by them… by Him.
I don’t have all the answers. God gives me glimpses when I need them. When I need to gently prod the questioner along. Encourage the fight… the chase… the seeking… the truth.
He drips the wisdom to this soul… on an “as needed” basis… like an IV providing fluid to a weak, parched body. Strengthening this soul… and the next… one drip at a time. Knowing the overflow would only bloat to the point of shutdown. Just enough to absorb into the soul and settle. Sink in. Build.
Then, the question…
How do I get there?
With Him?
Will He take me?
Oh, this one I know. I know this one so well. I have wrestled with this and in the wrestling He claims victory. He opens my eyes and provides clarity, reassurance, promise.
It’s one thing.
Believe it. Believe Him. Tell Him. He’s got it from there.
Accepted. Sealed. Redeemed. Done.
So, the questioner. The questioning. The questions… corner stones and bricks… building the foundation of this life with Him, for Him… growing the faith.
My eyes go to my young one…
The questioning is good… it is normal…
Just remember to go to Him for the answers.
Remember to listen after you ask.
He will answer.
Just listen.
PROMISE #15 ~ God promises blessings to those who believe the unseen.
John 20:27-29
Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!” Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

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