I stared into the midnight sky.
My warrior sat down beside me and the warm Vegas breezed washed over us.
The silence we had been waiting for. The house after dinner is the kind of wild rumpus that can drive you to the brink of madness – or to the back patio.
At this point, though, we are usually too tired to put up much of a battle. The kids race like madmen in circles from room to room. Funny how we have always lived in a house with some sort of racetrack. It’s like God knew we’d need a nice wide circle for them to burn any excess energy at the end of the day. And where they get it, I’ll never know. Because if I did, I’d buy stock in it… or hoard it for myself.
But it was our time. For a few minutes anyway – until the first pair of scurrying feet would show up and ask for an extended bedtime.
What do you think we are tapped for?
My warrior had mentioned a book he heard about. A successful businessman who said the key to life is finding what God has tapped you to do. We let the thought marinate for the day.
What do you think it is for us?
He smiled into the darkness, took a sip from his birthday beer, and answered,
Six kids. He has tapped us for six kids.
Well there it is. I don’t know why, but we get caught up in looking for some kind of cataclysmic event. We wait and wonder what the big AH-HA of our lifetime will be. Like there is some seismic occurrence or some paramount moment that will take place. We wait for the BIG one – the reason for it all. Now, I know walking into heaven will be much like that, but I’m talking about here. We wait for it and wonder what we are tapped for – when what we are tapped for is right under our noses.
The mystery of God is not in what is going to be, it is now; we look for it presently, in come cataclysmic event… We look for God to manifest Himself to His children: God only manifests Himself in His children. ~ Oswald Chambers
Just hearing those words come out of my husband’s mouth lifted a restless fog from my heart and folded me in peace. That’s it. That’s what I’m tapped for. Right now.
I am a mom. I am a wife. I am amazed.
Yea, I am just a mom. And, maybe you are, too. We are just parents.
And, maybe you wonder how you will make it through the next hour with a crying newborn.
Or maybe you wonder how on God’s earth you will raise those kids alone – and, why does it have to be that way.
Maybe you think there has to be more. And sometimes you are afraid of the day when the more in your house will become less.
Maybe you are tired, and burned out, and borrowing sanity from the moments you have stored up in the laundry room alone.
And, maybe you are just tapped out on what you were tapped for.
Yes, you are most definitely grateful, even when you sink into your bed at night too late knowing you will rise too early.
At the beginning and end of each day – you are just a mom.
Just. A. Mom.
Yea, let’s remember this today,
Jesus picked
U to
These souls
Just moms. Just about the most seismic, paramount, cataclysmic event of our lives.
And we are hand-picked. Just for this season. Just for these young souls.
Just where we are supposed to be.
Psalm 116:16-17
Truly I am your servant, Lord; I serve you just as my mother did; you have freed me from my chains. I will sacrifice a thank offering to you and call on the name of the Lord.

I laugh when I hear someone say, “I”m just a mom,” because if they could only see they are so much more. The responsibility is HUGE to raise these precious souls to be light bearers in this dark world. It’s no easy task, and it’s not for the faint of heart.
What a great beautifully written post.
I laugh, too! We sell ourselves short on the greatest “job” and awesome responsibility. We need moms. So glad to see you here today, Alecia.
What a wonderful way to describe being a mom. Being a mom…being a dad…is hard work. It is rewarding and sometimes, distressing, but it is worth it. Yeah, I’m just a mom, too. I’m sharing this with family and friends. Blessings to you.
Amen, Cynthia. Parenthood – it’s the toughest and best work. Thank God for Just Moms. Thank you for sharing! So happy to see you here today. Blessings to you.
And I love how I never stop being a mom. Even with grown boys and one out of the house. They remind me often (which I love) that they still need their mom. Beautiful as always, Karin. Much love.
Oh, I love that your boys remind you how important and needed you are. This gives hope to moms with young ones. Love and hugs to you, Beth.
Motherhood never ends. The journey looks different along the way, but I will never stop being a mom. Beautiful post!
Thanks, Barbie. Motherhood never ends, and I am so grateful. It’s so good to share our stories of this great journey. Bless you, friend!
gorgeous, gorgeous pictures, Karin. they make being a mama look so easy!
but we know better …
Ha! Thanks, Linda. Yea, motherhood is all beaches and waves and crisp white dresses, right? You should see my house right now… heh heh. 😉
Happy to see you today.