Finding the shoe that fits…
Finding the place that fits…
Finding the calling that fits…
It seems to be an ongoing quest of most moms that I talk to. It’s the thought that takes my mind when my mind has a moment to stop and think.
We just vacationed at the beach for the first time in a couple of years. The beach is my favorite place on this planet. The rhythmic crashing of the waves is the white noise that soothes this soul. The squeals of laughter and joy from my little ones are exhilarating at the beach. I have successfully brainwashed my children into welcoming the beach as their favorite vacation spot as well. Not a tough thing to accomplish. As a family, we step out onto the sand and breathe deep the salty scent… the soft wind welcomes. The jumble of racing thoughts (thoughts of home, work, school, chores, duties, schedules, commitments, and on and on…) ~ the swirling thoughts… stop.
It’s just the enormity of the ocean… and the “smallness” of us. Nothing puts me back into the right size shoe, no place fits quite as well, no sound calls quite as beautifully as that spectacular body of water… filled with endless life and depths beyond my imagination. I breathe it in.
The ocean reminds me again how small I am… and how big He is. I remember that, and it brings… relief.
I don’t have to be all that and all this to all these. He is all of it. This ocean shrinks me back to where I belong. I shrink back into my own shoes.
I open my eyes to the glistening waves, to the children jumping through the surf… I open my eyes to the swelling sea… and I can just breathe.
My bare feet fit right in the soft sand He provides…
My spot on the sand fits right at this moment…
The sea calls with whispers ~ I can almost hear Him ~ just breathe…
What do you do when you are looking for the shoe that fits, the place that fits, the calling that fits?
B e present.
R emember who you belong to… and with.
E njoy the moment.
A sk Him to whisper to you… He will.
T ake a leap of faith.
H ear what is said to you… and what is whispered.
E xhale. You are in the right place ~ for right now.
Acts 17:24-26
“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.

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