~ Day 8 ~
Remember the first date?
Ours was on a Harley to a crab shack situated next to a glistening river. It was a beautiful day in May.
It was the kind of date I knew would settle into my memory forever.
A few weeks later, we were engaged. A few more months and one deployment went by, and we were married. Still another few months, another deployment, and we celebrated with an official wedding.
I roll those memories around in my mind on the days that my elbows are lost in dishes, laundry, dirty diapers, and school work.
I smile at this lively six pack of ours and remember the travels we enjoyed… way back then.
These days of babies… growing to big kids… growing to pre-teens are a wild and blurry race. These days are the ones that really grow us. These days are the ones when love learns the grit of perseverance. When love learns the true meaning of patience. When love shows what it’s really made of. When God shows us… what we are really made of.
And, sometimes, we are given rest.
The rare and sacred time away to remember what that first date was really all about.
And, sometimes, someone older and wiser… someone who has been there, lived it, and loved it… appears. Someone who sees the strain, the drain, and the need for release. This someone comes along, passes the baton of hope and encouragement, shares the joy of the moment ~ for just a moment, and let’s you know you are right where you supposed to be.
This story from my friend Laura is about the parents… the couples… who have been through it. They remember these days, wish us well, offer a gift, and push us to keep going…
We were at Bunhuggers (a burger restaurant in Flagstaff) and began talking with another couple behind us in line. They were a bit older than us, but were coincidentally on their once a year weekend getaway, just like us. We talked about our kids and our love for the busy stage of life that we are in. After orders were placed we each sat down at different tables. At Bunhuggers, you pay when the food is called out and picked up. We didn’t hear our number called, so my husband went up to ask about it. He was told that that nice couple we chatted with in line paid for our order. We went together to ask if there was some confusion. When they simultaneously began to smile, we realized that it was on purpose. We thanked them and were humbled by their kindness. They said that their kids were older and they knew how much they would have loved if someone had picked up their tab in our stage. They said, “just pay it forward sometime to someone who doesn’t look at all like they need it. Have a good night.” It was a heartwarming high note to end our trip on.
Remembering the days gone by with couples who have been there… gives us hope… and rest.
Just pay it forward to someone who doesn’t look at all like they need it… because we all need it.
1 Timothy 6:17-19
Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

You are blessed because you are such a Blessing!
You are wonderful and encouraging! Thank you, Jeanne.