Today is my baby girl’s 9th birthday.
It is so cliche’ to say “I can’t believe she’s 9…,” but… I really can’t believe she’s 9.
I look at her beautiful face and still see glimpses of the tiny baby face I nursed, the toothless smile that greeted me every morning (and many times at night), the shining brown eyes – now shine with child wisdom.
Who knew child wisdom exists? I spend so much time teaching, instructing, directing, redirecting… I don’t see that sometimes these little ones see things more clearly than I do.
She had a good birthday. Like any other day, siblings bickered, toddlers whined, babies napped at the least opportune time (but, thankfully, napped!) The rhythm of family life is much the same ~ birthday or not. Presents were opened, cake was eaten, one adventurous outing was accomplished.
But something was missing
Tired mama preparing for a bath… then I see the little 9-year-old… teary in the hallway. Something missing for her, too.
what is it?
She tells me that she had hoped for some time, for some things… all to herself. She wanted to eat her candy alone. She wanted it to herself. She didn’t want to give any to the whining little ones. Quite simply, that. I take her with me to the bath. A good place for mama and daughter to talk. Then, she tells me…
this is the best part. Mom, this is the best part of my whole birthday.
That is it. Time. Time together. The connection – soul to soul. She wanted me all to herself. Quite simply, that. A mama and her little girl sharing time. It is so simple. This is the gift she gives me, all over again. Herself. The peace that transcends all understanding covers us both. Both of us, happy now. I thank God for the moment He gives us. A God moment. I thank God for my little girl.
happy birthday to my baby
The best gift at the end of the day. Two hearts turning to each other.
Malachi 4:6
He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.

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