I remember turning around to a tiny toddler grabbing onto my sweats and pulling.
Big blue eyes, plump cheeks, perfect bow-shaped lips smiling up at me…
I remember the sleepless nights (actually, those have carried on for years, by no fault of his).
I remember the small basket of brand new baby toys, new cups, only one or two strollers parked in the garage.
I remember the way he touched my face as he nursed.
I remember him running down the sidewalk, mama chasing after him with baby sister jiggling along in the stroller.
I remember his itchy skin, victim to eczema and food allergies.
I remember the giggles, the shrieks, the temper tantrums of a little baby growing into a boy body.
When did it happen?
I look over and see a boy, whose height has grown to my chin.
I see a boy whose humor makes me laugh… really laugh.
I see a boy who snuggles little siblings.
I see a boy who races with a sister grown from the bouncing baby in the stroller.
I see a boy who chases and tackles and knows more about football stats than any adult I know.
I see a boy who reads novels, writes poetry, wrestles with daddy.
I see a boy who is adored by five younger than he.
I see a boy, whose eyes look at weary parents, and begins prayers for sleepy children.
I see a boy whose arms wrap around mama every morning.
I see this baby grown to boy… this boy growing toward manhood…
and I wonder…
When did this happen?
Kissing the top of the burrowing blonde head….
I cling just a little longer…
Happy birthday to my first-born… the small soul growing older, bigger… growing towards Him.
Branded to mama’s heart…
PROMISE #24 ~ Raise them for Him and when they grow they will not turn from Him.
Proverbs 22:6
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.