~ Day 25 ~
The couple walked through the same door.
They sat in the same seats.
It was like this. Every Sunday. Year after year.
The words washed over them like a soothing rainfall. The peace transcended all understanding. All the world faded from focus.
It was like this week after week.
Until this one day.
Somewhere between the mesmerizing melodies and the words of wisdom, they looked over and saw them.
His face buried in his hands while she gently rubbed his shaking shoulders. He wept without shame. He wept out of frustration and fear. He wept with his faith in the fray. He wept and they watched.
This place of peace and comfort suddenly became a vision of raw, heart-wrenching reality.
What happens when things aren’t so good?
Where is He when we show up week after week and there is no answer?
How long do we have to wait? It’s just too much…
They watched as she soothed this strong man in his weakest moment. This weakest moment… right in the middle of a room full of people.
And he wept without shame. Sometimes we get to the breaking point, and it just doesn’t matter who’s watching anymore.
She rubbed his shoulders in circular rhythm, as though she wanted to wipe it all away. She wondered when the worry would end. It had been years now. No job. No income. No help in sight.
These times can break us. These times without income, without provision, without hope.
It just doesn’t matter who is watching anymore. And, we break. Right in the middle of a crowded room. And, no one seems to notice.
But, Someone does. Someone is watching. His plans have the most unsuspected twists and turns. And He opens eyes. He opens unsuspecting eyes and whispers His words,
Help them.
Sometimes the best kind of worship is seeing His children through His eyes.
But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. (Matthew 13:16)
She left with her arm around his broad shoulders. Depleted accounts, disintegrating energy, dashed hopes. It had just been too long. Where would their help come from?
And, He whispered,
Help them.
The couple looked into each other’s eyes. The whispers sometimes come so clearly that we wonder why the whole room doesn’t hear. They both heard. They smiled into each other’s eyes. Yes. Where does our help come from? The Maker of heaven and earth… the One who whispers.
Time passed and again the couple entered the room through the same doors. Sat in the same seats. The words and music cleansed their week-wearied worn souls, and they breathed the holy breath of a Spirit filled room. That’s when they saw them again.
Arms lifted in praise, tears streaming down beaming cheeks.
Their help did come. The Maker of heaven and earth has hands and feet all over this planet.
The couple smiled to themselves when they heard of unsuspected provision showing up in a mailbox. They smiled to themselves when they heard of answered prayers and a new job. They smiled to themselves as they looked down at their own hands. Palms up.
The hands in their own laps suddenly looked very much like part of a larger Body.
They smiled as song took the collective Body to a crescendo of praise…
I lift up my eyes to the hills –
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
These hands open, all around us…
Someone is always watching.
Matthew 6:3-4
But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.