My daughter was playing a heated game of lacrosse (as heated as the sticklettes get), and suddenly… she raised her hands in victory ~ sheer joy. It was a score! Not in the goal, of course, but… she lost a tooth! This little tooth had been wiggling and had caused her some grief during the dinner hour. She had cried with pain while eating her hot dog. Now… score! The tiny tooth had popped out… in the middle of a field, in the middle of a game. She stopped the game and proudly showed her prize to a gracious, understanding coach (a mommy). Both cheered as the spectators watched with anticipation ~ wondering ~ what is going on?
My little one stopped in this moment and drank in the incredible joy of a lost tooth. (The mommy coach, without the slightest grimace, took the bloody tooth in her hand while this mommy ran into the field to claim it. The tooth fairy would be alerted…)
It was a glorious moment… watching my little one share this child moment with team mates and opponents (while others scored goals around her). No game, no rules, no “there’s no time for this right now…” Just this moment. She relished it. She lived… right. in. this. moment. It was beautiful.
her toothless smile
I remember the look on my dear friend’s face. The last time I saw her feeling really well. The last time I saw her feeling really alive. It was a November afternoon… November was her favorite month. She stood on her front porch and smiled her beautiful smile… her eyes shone with joy. She felt good that day and it was a beautiful day. She relished it. Just that moment.
her beautiful smile
She told me many times, in our last conversations, that she was learning to live for the day. She was learning to live for just the moment. It was not easy. We all tend to look to the next. The next hour, the next day, the next year…
I wonder how it would look if we lived in just this moment?
I wonder what I can do to stay right here ~ in just this moment?
I wonder when I drift away to the next… how can I get back ~ to just this moment?
How can we live NOW?
Nuture our relationships ~ right now
Open our eyes ~ to what is right in front of us
Write it down ~ write now… right now
A butterfly has a life span of two or tree weeks. My kids and I just watched five caterpillars transform into breathtaking painted beauties. We released them. We watched them fly. It was a beautiful moment. The beauty shone radiantly in my children…
their beautiful smiles
Matthew 6:33-34
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

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