I have been up way too late – way too many nights in a row…
It’s the Olympics, of course.
I have memory upon memory of watching the Olympics with my parents when I was just a little one.
Oh, and yes, I have allowed my little ones (the bigger little ones) to stay up late, too.
How can I let them miss this history?
My plan as a kid was…
Olympic gymnast… (fill in the year)
Well, I grew too tall for that one.
Olympic swimmer!
I actually started to train with that in mind. The training lasted about a month. Full-time swimming… well, it requires… full. time. swimming. I decided to stick with summer racing. Much less training. Much less intense.
I admire these incredible Olympic athletes.
I listen to my little ones, overcome with the momentum of the games.
I’m going to be a gymnast in the Olympics…
My taller one…
I’ll be a swimmer…
Running has entered the list as well.
This is what struck me the most this year. It was the opening ceremony. I didn’t even watch the entire ceremony, but it was not the ceremony itself… it was the gathering.
the gathering of nations…
As a child it seemed quite reasonable that all the world’s elite athletes would join together and, well, play.
As an adult, with eyes that have seen nations at war, people at war, I was drawn to the glimpse of all the great athletes of the world… in one place… focused on one light. The flame of the Olympic games. Throngs of people cheering around them. Everyone, joyously focused on the light.
This must be just a glimpse…
A glimpse of a future for us… a present for others…
A brief vision of all people gathering… focusing on one light. The light of the world.
A glimpse of heaven…
John 8:12
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

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