(click here to see the series)
~ Day 6 ~
We have those friends.
The ones who serve, give, and go out of their way to help. They appear at just that moment when we need an extra hand… an extra heart… and just one kind word.
Then, they insist that the whole thing is no big deal.
We have these friends that show us how to be better.
They help us open our eyes to people around us. They drop a note and a gift at the door after a miscarriage. They bring a home-cooked meal during a deployment. They drive through walls of snow just to get goat milk for a mom with a house full of kids, an empty refrigerator, and a husband… deployed again. They text a message just when we think God isn’t listening anymore… and they let us know that He is.
We have these friends. They grow our hearts and pick us up. Sometimes they are a life line. These friends. They are some of the greatest gifts He gives us.
Then, we hear a story about someone else who noticed our friend. Someone who just wanted to show love. Someone who saw the gift that this friend is, without even knowing her.
And, the story grows our heart just a little bit more.
Thanks for sharing this story, Jill, my dear friend…
I was traveling with my three kids, and at the airport this guy (who was with his wife and two kids) kept trying to offer help in the security line. Very nice, but my kids had done it a million times so he saw they knew the drill. Somehow he figured out my husband was military and continued to help us as we were gathering our things from security, thanking me for my husband’s service. We later ran into each other at the food court as I looked up with my hands full of bags and ALL the tables full. He motioned over to an empty table that ‘magically’ became open, and said he found a spot for us. I left the boys at the table and took my daughter to get our food and drinks. When I came back, I saw him leaving the table and talking with my boys which freaked me out a little. As he walked off he said, “Your oldest son has something for you.” He explained that he told my son that he knows they shouldn’t be talking to strangers, but he wanted to do something for our family. He put something in my son’s hand and said, “Don’t open it until your mom is here at the table and I am gone.” (Still a little odd). Well, I got to the table and my son opened his hand and it was a $50 dollar bill! Thankfully, we saw him on the way to our gate and we thanked him. He said he just wanted to buy us a lunch or some treats for the kids to thank us for us being a military family.
Showing love to people we don’t even know… gives love to them, and everyone else who loves them.
It just keeps on giving.
John 13:34
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

Karin – love the inspirational story! Blessings, Kathy
Thank you, Kathy! I love these stories of good deeds. Blessings to you.
Hi Karin, I love your idea of 31 days of good deeds. I have missed reading your blog. Life got away from me in our move. We are finally settled and have time to sit and catch up on correspondence. Hoping you are well. You continue to inspire me. Jana
Hi Jana, I am so happy to see you here today. I was glad to see your words float into my inbox yesterday. I love reading your posts and have been thinking of you. I understand the moving thing. It takes time to settle in. I’m still working on that here. Thanks for stopping here today, friend. YOU inspire ME.