~ Day 12 ~
We think we have it all figured out the day they are born. Well at least some of it.
We think we know the decisions we will make and the direction we will go.
We are pretty sure the best and wisest choices will be crystal clear when the time comes.
Then, we realize… we gave birth to humans.
Not so simple anymore.
This quest for good deeds…
I joked with my husband as I headed out the door with the oldest two. He had come home early from work. Mission… orthodontist.
Look, it’s your good deed. You are staying here with the others.
He laughed,
Yea, that’s called parenting. It doesn’t qualify as a good deed.
Or does it?
My oldest girl snuck quietly into the bedroom, plate in hand. She whispered,
Mom, I wanted to bring you breakfast in bed.
The sparkling silver covering revealed the most divine piece of toast I had ever seen. And, coffee, too. Perfect.
She grinned at my reaction,
It’s no big deal, mom.
Or is it?
Hands scrubbing sud-covered pots tonight… for the 776th time. Solo mama bone weary from chasing a napless toddler while trying to de-clutter the one place my warrior can study in some sort of peace. My big boy wraps arms around my waist (when did he get so tall?),
You are the best, mom.
Kind words. No biggie.
Or are they?
Searching for these good deeds in all corners. A girlfriend sends me a message,
I cleaned my daughter’s hamster cage today. She will be so happy and I’m hoping it is a real lesson in grace. Does that count?
Does it count?
Lessons in grace.
I put sleepy, baby blue-eyed girl to bed, and whispered into her sweet thumb-sucking gaze,
I’ve tried to make all the right choices for you babies. I hope that counts.
Baby grinned. Peace enveloped. Grace to erase the stress of this day.
The good deed of grace… that starts right at home.
Home… the most challenging place to plant a good deed on many days.
Home… the most necessary place to give and seek good deeds every day.
The place that comes first in the lifting of this world. Home.
It all counts here.
Galatians 6:9-11
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

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