(click here to see the series)
~ Day 7 ~
We don’t deserve it.
At least, most of the time, we feel like we don’t.
Everyone we see could use a little lift, and many of us could use a big one.
Writing about good deeds this month, I have seen so many stories about people lifting up people around them. Many times the people are strangers. The stories are touching and remind us that, despite the bad news we too often hear, many people out there are kind. Many people out there notice others. Many people take a step and show gratitude.
The stories inspire me to notice more… to say “thank you” more.
This story from my friend Renee shows us that we may not think we deserve praise or thanks, but others may see that differently…
My daughter and two fellow cadets were in the Atlanta airport returning home from field training this summer. They were all dressed in their ABU’s and were grabbing something to eat at T.G.I. Fridays. A couple went up to the cadets and said “thank you” for their service and paid for their meal. The cadets explained to them that they were just cadets in ROTC in college. The couple said it didn’t matter to them because they are still serving our country. They thanked them again and paid for their meal. So cool and very touching.
The best part of this story is that these kind strangers cheered on someone’s children. One of the most important things we can do is cheer on the next generation. Our kids, and someone else’s kids.
Every young person needs that.
Psalm 78:4
We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.

I love the idea for your 31 Days, beautiful!
Thank you, Ashley! I love hearing these ‘good deed’ stories.
What a great story, Karin. And Amen to cheering on the next generation!
Thanks, Susan. Yes, we need to cheer them on!