I wish it didn’t matter to me. I wish I could say I don’t care.
I want to be liked. When I am not, it hurts. I wonder what I must have done to cause this perceived dislike, and return the favor – certain it is the other person’s problem anyway.
The skin thickens.
I heard a story once. A priest speaking at a retreat compared us to cups.
The larger our cups get, the thinner the sides. The thinner the sides, the more others can see Christ through us. We pour ourselves out and fill ourselves with Christ.
A woman excitedly responded,
So we want to have a bigger cup size!
The priest smiled and replied,
I choose not to answer that.
Laughter erupted in the room and the woman blushed,
Oh dear.
She is right. We want to have a bigger cup size and thin skin.
(Join me at (in)courage today for the rest of this story…)
Philippians 1:9-11
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

Oh, but I like you! You write from the heart. You inspire your readers. As they say, you can’t please everybody. But I say, just be who you are. And keep writing. 😉
You are an encourager, Flora Joy! Thank you! So glad to see you here – we will write on.
So glad you shared this on (in)courage today!
Thanks, Holley! What an inviting place. You and your God-sized dreams are awesome – happy to see you here.