Coming soon

It’s just a matter of time. He’ll force your hand. Just as He is forcing mine back to the keyboard. Believe me, I’ve resisted. But, believe me, resistance is futile. The tune pours through the speakers while the washer churns the familiar whoosh of a Mama trying to wash it all away. Though we try,… Continue Reading…
It started a year ago today. The wheels fell off. I had no idea what would happen when my sister-in-law called me that morning. In hindsight, I’m glad I didn’t know. In fact, I’m grateful we never know what is waiting ahead when we enter the season in the shadows. The not knowing is the… Continue Reading…
I started this last November. You know sometimes it takes us a while to put the pieces together. And sometimes the pieces don’t make any sense. For a very long time. Sometimes the pieces keep breaking and some of them get lost. Then new pieces show up and the puzzle has lost some of its… Continue Reading…
It was a year ago. Give or take a few days. I probably started the week after we lost who would have been number seven. It took me eleven months to even utter that event to a few of our six. Sometimes it just takes time. Yes, I think it must have been right about… Continue Reading…
I was the only girl. An entire generation – on both sides of my family. I could look for miles and miles – across an ocean – and I was the only one. I suppose that’s one thing that brought me right up against my mother’s hip most of my childhood. I could hang with… Continue Reading…
The rotors whirled above my head. Funny, if you look at them for a moment – they appear to be barely moving. This slow motion spinning; each blade defined as it slices through the thin air. The sun glints off the steely metal. The beating heart of these blades – a steady thump-thump-thump. My warrior… Continue Reading…
We rounded the corner blinded by the scorching desert sun. Our necks craned until we saw the red dome in the distance. There’s nothing like an outing with Daddy. While the rest of the world seemed to be veering in and out of lanes leading them to and from the daily grind, we breathed the… Continue Reading…
Hi! My name is Karin Madden. Writer. Warrior wife. Mom of six pack. Homeschooler. German-blooded southerner. Welcome to the place where I explore what it means to grow stronger - spirit, soul, and body. I write to inspire and encourage - to remind you we are not alone. By being bold with grace and speaking truth in love, we can become who we are meant to be. I'm glad you are here.