I looked at my warrior, over dirty dinner plates, whining children, and the mess of the day…
it’s one of those days when I feel like I’ve royally screwed up
He smiles the understanding only the other half of this parent pair could smile…
The day outlined with the best of intentions… the planning of a birthday party, the gathering of school supplies, the minutiae of motherhood. Wham!
the best intentions come crashing down
Grumbling off to the errands… four tethered along.
what, they can’t be apart from mama for one second?
I have stuff to do. I can’t think straight while I’m lassoing kids
A (mild) mama temper tantrum. I’m smoldering on the inside… wounding with my glares. The older they get… the more they get the glares.
the expectation is what ruins the reality
I mention this to my oldest girl ~ she, nodding understanding, with a sheepish grin.
I’m sorry I was grumpy
She smiles…
I’m sorry I whined
Ah, but that wasn’t the end of it all. The day slid along, with more whining, crying, discontent. Just one of those days when there is at least one someone… who has nothing good to say. Sigh.
The end of this day. What did we get right? Well, maybe not much today… but the confirmation comes at night… at prayer time. (prayer time ~ I suppose that is one thing we did get right). The confirmation, not through words… not through perfectly met expectations…
The confirmation comes from my oldest… during prayer time… my oldest son, almost eleven… curls up in my lap… just to love his mom.
I suppose I haven’t royally messed up… I suppose we are doing ok
Keeping the focus on the right One
Coming back for a fresh start…
Ending the day with His plans, not mine.
To begin again, with Him, tomorrow…
Matthew 6:33-34
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

You have brought me comfort today. Thank you.
…and you have brought me encouragement right back. Thank YOU, friend.