I just woke up.
It actually happened a few weeks ago… maybe months. But, not long ago.
There is a period of time when a mother is pregnant, having a baby, recovering from having a baby, recovering from lack of sleep from having a baby (I’m not so sure we ever recover from that)… there is a period of time, when mama is sleep-walking.
I’ve done this sleep-walking routine six times. Back to back. So, I’ve been pretty much asleep with my eyes open for eleven years.
I just woke up.
I woke up thankful. I am thankful beyond mere words for my six gifts.
I woke up searching. Where is the path I am to follow? Motherhood is clearly the paved road before me… I suppose the question is, how do I walk this road… and walk it well?
I woke up on fire. (No, not literally, my kids are really sweethearts ~ most of the time)
I woke up burning with a desire to do something. I woke up to a world in desperate need, children in desperate need, lost souls in desperate need… of a savior. I opened my eyes and saw the need to throw my heart into the mess, my words onto the paper (screen), my voice into the noise… to share what I know to be the truth ~ the Savior has already been here. He is still here. He’s not leaving without us… if we let Him.
Waking up to breakfast and coffee, after a solid ten-hour slumber (now, I’m dreaming), would have been easier… but, I woke up to His prompting. Easy really is not easy. It is empty… when it comes to the soul. Perseverance is the road to be travelled. Hope is the fuel. Love is the engine. The Kingdom is the purpose. It is the “why” for all of this.
I woke up to Twitter and Facebook and Pinterest and the list goes on… Some catching up for the woman who, as a kid, learned how to use an Apple computer in the classroom… once a week… and it required ridiculous amounts of letters and codes and lines of jumble… just to spell… “dog.” I have some catching up to do, with my eyes wide open… for His purposes.
I woke up loving the adventure even more… learning to trust Him… even more.
Good morning…
Romans 13:11
And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.

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