How hard is it to speak the truth?
The truth as we know it and believe it?
The most difficult place to tell the truth… the place of our own birth. The most uncomfortable home for truth, the Truth given by Him, is the home of our own flesh and blood.
I used to be one of those who believed, on the periphery… the outskirts. I believed quietly in the capsule of my mind. I did not feel the need, understand the need, actually… believe the need to share this belief with anyone else.
it’s a private, personal thing
Personal, that it is. Private, there are times for that. Passing the belief on… well, it’s not only important… it’s the most important. When I finally, completely, believed… that’s when my sleep walking eyes opened to this most important need of all.
Speak the Truth.
In love.
Sharing what I learn about our Savior is probably the most uncomfortable experience in my life. It does not come naturally to me… I was not raised in this vocal faith.
A dear sister, under attack…
I just spoke the Truth
We can expect such attacks… His beauty is not always welcomed with open arms in this place. As He does, He whispered to me a word for her…
If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you (1 Peter 4:14)
The conversation made me think… about truth. About speaking the Truth. No matter the places it brings us in our earthly skin.
Why are we afraid to share the Truth? Why do I hesitate to share what my newly born eyes have seen? It does, after all, sound just a little bit, well, nuts. To someone whose eyes remain covered. This, not a judgement, but a recollection of my own blind eyes.
Why don’t we share it?
- Someone will not like me… the Truth… or both
- I will be cast out (of a crowd that has been so comfortable)
- I will look like a fool
- They will not believe it anyway, so what’s the point?
- I will be vulnerable to self-doubts, and worse… God-doubts
The thoughts that sweep through my mind… when I just want to sweep them away (and not just under a rug for re-surfacing tomorrow)
My questions, my reasons, beg for answers.
Reasons to tell the Truth:
- There will always be someone who doesn’t like me… the Truth… or both. There will others who do… and there will always be One who loves.
- When I am cast out of one place… I am cast into another. Just the place He wants me to be.
- I may look like a fool here. To be a fool for Him… is the only kind of fool to be.
- They may not believe… yet. It’s God’s job to change the heart. It’s our job to speak His truth.
- …Stop doubting and believe (John 20:27). Enough said.
What is God’s promise?
PROMISE #4 ~ He will set you free.
John 8:31-32
To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

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