New photos on our wall.
The week painting our kitchen and den ~ a fulfilling task while my warrior was away for a training exercise.
Mom, can I help?
Pleading eyes… asking for just a chance…
Hmm, maybe just a little.
Painting, decorating, arranging photos are my greedy tasks… I enjoy the finished product… and give myself a little pat on the back when I am done. These questioning young eyes want a chance to get in the game… they want to be a part of this… to have just one chance…
I smile… knowing the joy these helpful hands will feel… just to have been a part of this… to make a difference… to see the change.
Rooms painted, photos fresh from a beach vacation carefully placed… I grin… the young eyes light up ~ the work completed. The beautiful outcome. The faces of my young children peering from photographs… beautiful young faces.
What if these photos had a different background? What if there were no vacations? What if my children had a different background? What if they had been born in a different place? A different zip code? A place of different opportunities? A place with little… or no opportunities? A place with few helping hands? A place praying for more helping hands? What if…
We gather at the computer… our speedy Mac, that takes us anywhere in seconds.
Can we look at their pictures?
Mama, can we help?
I smile…
Maybe just a little
it may be just a little for us… but so much more for them…
We click… we see…
Pleading eyes… asking for just a chance…
The faces we see… like my own, but different…
These questioning young eyes want a chance to get in the game… they want to be a part of this… to have just one chance…
My young ones, drawn in by the faces, the places, the stories…
Mama, can we help?
I smile… knowing the joy these helpful hands will feel… just to have been a part of this… to make a difference… to see the change.
The beautiful outcome
We click… two times. Their names are Myrlande and Elie. They live in Haiti. My children pray for them, they think of them, they write to them. They realize just a little bit more… the blessings we have are blessings to be shared.
September is Official Blog Month at Compassion International. The goal is to find sponsors for 3,108 children in the month of September. For $38 per month, a child will receive opportunity…
these children served by Compassion receive, among other things: the opportunity to hear the gospel and learn about Jesus; regular Christian training; educational opportunities and help; health care, hygiene training, and supplementary food if necessary; a caring and safe Christian environment to grow in self-confidence and social skills; personal attention, guidance and love.
I look at these opportunities and see what my own children receive… without having to ask. For the cost of a toy, a Wii game, a new pair of shoes… these kids… with different zip codes… receive ~ a chance.
Will you go there? Take a look at these beautiful faces… with the questioning eyes… these faces that pray so much for just one chance…
Will you join us to pray for them?
Will you consider sponsoring just one child?

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