Ok, I have put it off long enough. Waiting for the inspiration. Do you ever feel like you are waiting for the inspiration, only to realize that the inspiration is what hit you square between the eyes ~ and you didn’t realize it was the inspiration?
The thing is… God is always listening… and He always answers. Sometimes we are just too busy babbling to listen. I have had James 1:19 (My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry) driven through me like nails for two weeks and can now see that this line, with all of its direct instruction, is filled with a valuable lesson… a lesson that leads to a never-ending sequence of lessons. Lessons of refinement. Even when refinement hurts. And refinement… it can hurt. Listen.
Bring the cross close to your heart.
When you open your spiritual eyes to see and your spiritual ears to hear… be prepared to learn. The learning peels the skin from the onion ~ the skin from our souls… desperate to be born new again. Our new skin to shine… to glow with the love of Christ… for all around us to see… not see us… but, Him.
Now, you have to know that I am the last person I ever thought would think this way, or write this way, or believe this way. But, that is who He is… that is what He does. He transforms. He transforms like no P90X (which, by the way, I think is the most awesome physical workout program ever ~ and I am choosing writing over workout pain tonight)… He transforms like no “self-help” book or exercise… He transforms because He gives new life. A new life right in the very life we live. He peels the scabs, cleanses the wounds, and pours pure water over every pain we have. He brings us through it… in order to feel the joy and peace of the new skin.
Really, I am blown away by His power. He created it all, but I am still overwhelmed to my knees, to the point of no words (and I love words)… He fills me with awe. Completely. To the top. My joy in Him and amazement in how He communicates with me… with any child of His who will listen… this joy brings such a thrill that I want to shout it out (to the ones I love, to the ones He loves, and even over the internet). The beautiful grace and mercy are unending in Him.
I learn a tremendous amount from being a mom to my awesome little gifts from God. I also love to learn from seasoned moms, seasoned women… those who have been through it and have perspective from the other side of earthly youth. Older, godly women really do have so much of it figured out ~ and are entirely humble in their knowledge. (Thank you Nancy, Donna, Mary). I am blessed to have opportunities to learn from these women.
The thing is… I want to BE that. I want to be that mom ~ to my kids, to other moms, to my friends… to people I don’t even know yet. A teacher has one pre-requisite above all else… love learning. I love learning what He has to teach me. I never dreamed I would be a Bible reader… I really thought that was for the priests, pastors, ministers and any other clergy title you can name. I didn’t know it was for me. What I found out… maybe later than most, but in God’s time… the Book is meant for all of us.
I have one piece of advice… for my children, my family, my friends… for anyone with ears to hear… open the Book. Hear Him speak to you. He will. He will meet you right where you are. He says so… and He is good for His Word.
Luke 8:8
Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown.” When he said this, he called out, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

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