PROMISE #11 ~ ASK, SEEK, KNOCK (receive, find, open)
My mind is racing.
The whirlwind of stories that surround me are exhilarating… enlightening… exhausting.
Ever wonder why God is surrounding you with miracles in motion?
The more I seek God… the more I seek God.
Like water… in a parched throat on a sun-scorched desert… He gives life. He gives a renewal never thought possible. The kind of thing you only read about, hear about, doubt about.
It is as real as rain. But, more so.
The more I seek Him, the more He finds me… and shows me to myself… more graciously, shows me ~ Him.
This chasing of God… this hard pursuing of a promising God… this hanging on by the ragged tips of fingers by this flawed, messy seeker…
This quest to find Him… it shows me one thing.
He has always been here.
He has been waiting.
He is taking the pursuit and molding a new soul from this worn out child of His.
The display of His beauty, His love, His power is blinding… breathtaking.
The joy this heart can not contain. He is all over this.
The one thing I can say. Seek Him. He will show up.
It will blow you away.
PROMISE #11 ~ God will show up (ask, seek, knock).
Matthew 7:6-8
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

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