And sometimes the answer is…
We can ask, we can plead, we can pray.
We can stomp our feet, shake our fist, clench our teeth.
Cover our ears, close our eyes, plain old pout.
Sometimes the answer is…
I have explained this to my little ones, until my throat is dry, my lungs deflated, my spirit exhausted.
Sometimes the answer is… No.
There is something better. Something I can see that they do not have the wisdom to understand just yet.
There is danger in the request, or unseen burden, or a path too rocky for the tender feet.
The answer is…
I know better, I love them, I want only the best for them.
I will steer them in the best direction… even if the beckoning road seems so much more appealing.
Then. He. Whispers.
Sometimes the answer to my pleading, prodding, persistence… sometimes the answer from Him is…
The answer is a redirection into an unforeseen place. A place where He plans to prosper me and do me no harm.
The answer to my question today may be… No.
The answer to my heart-stretching, soul-growing, purpose-seeking plea…
is always…
PROMISE #20 ~ God promises to prosper us.
Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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