The storm outside blows furiously. Her name is Sandy.
Sandy… a benign name for a massive force of nature, which may be why she has been nicknamed “Frankenstorm.”
I busy myself with laundry, cleaning, preparing. Filling water bottles, bathtubs, flashlights. Cooking pizzas, popcorn, chicken.
The preparation for a possible power outage.
Who knows if we’ll lose power? Who knows if trees will fall? Who knows what food will remain edible? Who knows how hard, how long, how furiously the winds will blow? How high the waters will rise?
I busy myself with the preparation… while my warrior prepares the things of warriors. Protection of the masses. The waiting game… waiting for word to assist the ones who may fall victim to damage from ferocious winds… rains.
I’ve watched the spectacular fall-tinted leaves… as they are ripped from their home base.
Flung wide.
Here’s a funny thing. I have been chasing God’s promises for 29 days. I vowed to complete 31. I suppose I made the vow to myself… my own self-promise. So, I am bound and determined to finish it. I am so close. I promised God that I would go for 31 days.
The 31 day promise seeking… a promise to myself… to God. And now, I face a possible power outage. Now, of course, this is not the greatest tragedy facing millions at this moment. This is nothing of fear. This really is no big deal in the big picture. It is simply something I wanted to finish. For me. For God.
Then, the words… the words from a dear sister ring in my mind.
It’s all in the prepositions.
It has nothing to do with “for”
It has everything to do with… “with”
I paraphrase the beautiful wisdom from a dear soul, so eloquently spoken to hundreds.
This thought… burying itself deep.
He doesn’t need us to do FOR Him. He wants us WITH Him.
He’s got it. He, after all, is God.
My fingers dance across the keyboard as the wind gusts ebb and flow outside the barriers of these four walls.
This dancing of fingers, for Him… change to a dancing ~ with Him.
I may or may not finish the 31 days. We may or may not lose power, trees, food, water…
We dance with Him, in this swirling world. Once again, opening hands to the Father… hands taken for the dance.
With Him.
This grace… His grace… a gift.
Not one thing I ever do, we ever do… will deserve it.
His grace. His grace is sufficient.
As we dance.
PROMISE #30 ~ God gives grace… His grace is sufficient.
2 Corinthians 12:9
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Just stopped by from Ann’s corner of this wide web. Thank you sharing these kind, encouraging words. What a thought! God. That only God. Our Father, in Heaven. And he wants us to walk this thing called life together….with…Him. Such an encouragement today!
Your words bless me today, Kari Jo! Thank you. Ann reminds us of the gifts so beautifully. This dance with Him ~ truly a gift.