Kid feet. Every few weeks I trim 60 toenails on 12 little feet. The assembly line of feet in the blur of bath time drive home the realization that I am responsible for mothering a six pack of children into adulthood. My little bath time ducklings.
I have been given six little ones to lead through this world… until they are big enough to walk on their own feet…
their own 12 little feet
I am the mother duck, smoothly gliding across a pond. Six babies paddling furiously behind… trying with all their might to keep up… what you can’t see… mother duck is paddling just as furiously beneath the smooth water’s surface…
Mama duck is exerting tremendous amounts of energy to stay ahead of her little flock… to show them the way to the water. It’s her purpose, this leading of her little ducklings.
I look at these 12 little feet and wonder… who is leading whom?
who is leading?
A little girl ran to her mother, concern written across her face… worried for her new friends next door…
mommy, I’m afraid they don’t know God!
Two mothers were talking at the fence. The mother tried to reassure her ~ we know God…
The little girl persisted (her mom feeling… awkward)
they only go to church on Christmas!
Awkward! It reminds me of where I have been. Half asleep… until my own little children asked… who is God? Oh…
My little ones’ question lead us back… to church… to God.
who is leading whom?
I see the answer… in 12 little feet… 60 little toes
Luke 18:16-17
But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”

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