I have been frozen. Stuck. Searching.
Looking for the perfect words. The perfect time. The perfect idea.
There it is. There is no perfect time. Rather, every time is the perfect time. The perfect time to act… to act love. The perfect time to show love. Show love ~ love in action.
When your day is a mess, your life seems a mess, your heart… a mess… do you find that you clean your house? I do. When I can’t seem to control all the stuff, all the mess around me… I clean my house.
there, that’s better
Nope. Just a clean house. The rest… it’s still pretty messy.
This the perfect time. The perfect time to get my hands messy. Turn my introspective eye… out. Turn my eyes outward, to all the mess out there. This is the perfect time to get into the mess and help clean up His house. It’s all in His control. That is not my job. My job is to get my hands into the mess and help with the mess out there. Of course, it begins at home. I begin with my own little ones. Love them, teach them… show them how to love, show them patience, kindness, mercy (easier said than done… practice, practice). Show them how to get their hands messy, too. The messy business of love.
My military husband, walks through the door… into the arms of squealing joy… 12 squeezing arms. I smile to myself…
Two more…
His eyes wide.
The thrill of jumping into the mess. The thrill of a heart breaking for His own… of a heart breaking to open for more of His own. Compassion for His own. The eyes turn outward… the uncertain hands open to the mess out there. A hopeful offering to be hands for Him. We will touch 2 more. Prayer and an offering from one soul to another.
When things are a mess… I clean my house.
Things, they are a mess…
People, places, they are broken…
Peer through the fence… open eyes, open hands. We can help clean His. One step at a time. He will point the way.
James 4:17
Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.

Your words are truly inspirational. I find myself getting caught up in my own daily problems, which, in the big scheme of things, suddenly don’t seem so important. Raising children and being in a committed relationship is hard work. There is always sacrifice. NO ONE ever said it was going to be easy – but I never really knew what that meant. Your well-chosen words help me to be thankful for all that I have instead of bitter for what I do not. Thank you 🙂
Jennifer – that you would be my first response here is a God send. Thank you for the kind words and the encouragement. It definitely is not easy here… It’s a gift that God gives us friends here to work through the mess and focus our eyes on others, and Him. Love you my sister.