I am a military wife. We moved several times during the early years of our marriage. Moving to a new place is usually an exciting experience. It’s definitely an efficient way to clean your house ~ really clean your house. When you move in the military, you are given a weight limit. This weight limit is dependent on your rank and your next location… I mean, home. You don’t want to waste any of this valuable “weight” moving your unnecessary items… I mean, junk. Moving ~ the best solution to deep house cleaning.
In the past years, we have been blessed with the opportunity to stay in one location. A blessing in many ways… moving six children would be no picnic (a trip to the grocery store requires immediate “mama down time” upon returning home).
We used to move every 2 or 3 years. Our moving from place to place quenched my desire to run. I knew that if I didn’t like a place, or a situation, or a person… well, I was going to leave anyway. No need to run. The decision was made for me. Then, no more running…
Recently, we have been able to stay put. The problem with this… every 2 or 3 years… we want to run. I want to run…
So, what do you do when you want to run? Would you join me on (in)courage today and share what you do when you want to run…

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